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Lab Grown Gemstones

59 products

Please note all prices listed are based on cash prices and are exclusive of VAT. Prices for precious metal products are an estimate only and can vary slightly depending upon the metal price, the actual weight and the cutting tolerances which we are able to achieve. Bullion prices are based on 10gm.

What is a Lab Grown Diamond?

Lab grown diamonds are created in a lab from a diamond seed, built up either in a high-heat, high pressure chamber (HPHT) or from circulating gases, broken down into atomic parts (CVD). A comparison showed that Lab Grown Diamonds have the same structure, hardness and optical properties of natural mined diamonds, they are exactly the same.


Lab grown diamonds go through the same process of cutting and polishing as mined diamonds, which means you get the same stone, of the same quality, without the cost.

Are Lab Grown Diamonds Real?

Yes, lab grown diamonds are real diamonds. The only difference is their origin, natural diamonds are formed in the earth, lab grown diamonds are, as the name suggests, created in a lab. Each diamond starts out as a tiny seed which is then exposed to extreme heat and pressure to replicate the formation of a natural diamond. 


Physically, visually and chemically identical, you would require specialist equipment in order to tell them apart.


Diamonds continue to be the leading choice for jewellery makers and consumers which is why we at Cooksongold supply only the best range. Our newest addition of lab grown diamonds gives you the opportunity to create high quality diamond jewellery, at a lower cost than their natural counterparts. With fully traceable origins, lab grown diamonds allow you peace of mind. Invest in the new way forward for diamond jewellery.

Metal prices
Thu 30 May 2024

Silver (AG)
797.016 KG

Gold (AU)
59.311 GM

Palladium (PD)
23.936 GM

Platinum (PT)
26.085 GM

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Tel: 0345 100 1122 or 0121 200 2120 Fax: 0121 212 6456